Sunday, December 7, 2008

Flexibility Exercises and Weight Loss

How do flexibility exercises and weight loss go hand in hand?

At first glance it may not seem that the two have much correlation, but looking back on the past 10 years of working with private personal training clients, I can say that...

The men and women who were consistent with their flexibility exercises also saw the greatest improvements in weight loss...

and in body composition changes...

and in injury prevention...

and in lasting results

So, why is flexibility training so important?

Do you remember the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz?

He had joint problems and flexibility issues. When he couldn't move, he couldn't function properly.

The same is true for all of us. When we can't move properly, we can't exercise properly.

That goes for cardiovascular exercise and weight training exercise.

Restrictions in your range of motion, flexibility, and mobility will restrict your ability to use muscle.

If we can't activate our muscles, we can't use them to help build lean muscle...and...that means that they won't be helping to burn calories for us.

So, for the best results, be sure to do your daily stretching. The Magnificent Mobility DVD utilizes many of the same principles that we use each day with our private personal training clients.

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Contributed by Boh from My Personal Trainer School